...reflections from a Compassionate Listener


To learn about the films I've produced for the Compassionate Listening Project,
visit our video page on the Compassionate Listening Project website.

I also post our films on CompassionTube, (our YouTube channel).


From our film, Children of Abraham:

Compassionate Listening Delegations and Trainings in the Middle East:

Jewish-German Compassionate Listening:

The Jewish-German Compassionate Listening Project was founded in 2002 by Beate Ronnefeld and Leah Green, to provide an opportunity to advance Jewish-German reconciliation and healing. The project brought together Jews, Germans, and those affected by World War II, to explore beliefs and to humanize the “other”. Through Compassionate Listening training, personal sharing and hearing the stories of witnesses, participants deepened their understanding of the complex wounds generated by WW II and the Holocaust, and experienced tremendous personal healing.

After the first delegation in 2002, Brian Berman and Andrea Cohen led two additional delegations with Beate, and the Jewish-German Project became a living reconciliation model among participants.

"I think this project is a world healing – and personal healing miracle. From the moment we started, the healing began…" - 2002 participant
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